Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hack - a - Day, The Best of

Reverse time

scrambled? hackz! - beatbox interpreter generates music on the fly

laser listening device

shacktopus - comunicate digitally anywhere on earth, pretty much

xp on an Intel mac - this one's just for fun(ny)

swimming snake robot - *****

wall of sheep - code to display unsecured usernames/passwords crossing over a network

car exhaust flame throwers - just for fun

fedex kinko's smartcard hack - not maybe legal, but ouch for someone's job

tick destroying rover - kinda cool robot

rundfunker - diy wifi streaming mp3 radio project... with some class

@ feb 22, 06

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Full motion video on an 8088 in text mode with sound... nice hack

Excel based drum machine

Liquid n2 ice-cream

Audacity bullet speed calculation

3DS Max vid of Optimus Prime

Random Pirate Comics